Why Avoid Court | Avoid Court | Family Law Fishers Indiana
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Avoid Court – Divorce with Dignity

Avoid Court?

Listen to the experts.

It is impossible to describe the fear and pain a child goes through when the two people he or she loves most in the world are fighting with each other. You can prevent this from happening to YOUR children. 

No Attorney

Hire ONE Mediator Instead of TWO Attorneys.

Romine Family Law and Mediation Center offers “Pro-Se Divorce by Mediation” to couples who want to avoid the cost and adversarial process of hiring two attorneys but need help in working out the details of a divorce. Pro-Se refers to parties who do not have attorneys.

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What You Need to Know Before You Hire a Shark

. Learn what you need to know about Indiana Family Law. You should read this book before you hire an attorney. Romine Family Law & Mediation Center offers free consultations. When you are ready, we are here to help!


Hamilton County Divorce Mediator

Hire ONE Mediator Instead of TWO Attorneys!

Divorce doesn’t have to be ugly…Save your dignity and let us help you through this process.


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5 Advantages of Hiring a Pro-Se Divorce Mediator

The decision to divorce is already a difficult one for most individuals. Finding a skilled divorce mediator should not...

How NOT to Lose Your Grandchildren When Your Child’s Marriage Ends

GRANDPARENTS – STILL IN THE PICTURE WHEN MARRIAGE ENDS? One of the most rewarding relationships most people will ever...